
About Alix

Hi there & welcome!

I’m Alix, an ordained Unitarian Universalist minister, a spiritual director, a published poet, a photographer, and a lover of archetypes and personal growth. If I had to describe what it is that I really “do,” I would say that I pay attention to how the sacred moves in the world.

I live in Melrose, Massachusetts with my partner, my kiddo, 2 black cats, and a little dog named Cricket. I drink way too much La Croix and spend a lot of time in the woods poking things with sticks. There is nothing I love more than singing around a campfire, new blank notebooks, personality quizzes, and mac & cheese.

I am committed to the values of empathy, compassion, creativity, social engagement, and honesty and strive to put these at the center of everything I do.

If you’re looking for specific credentials, I graduated from Oberlin College with a degree in Visual Art and Meadville Lombard with a Master of Divinity. I am a certified Spiritual Director through the Still Harbor program that focuses on the intersection between spirituality and social justice.

Some of my gifts

bio poem